Decoding Degenerative Disc Disease:  Your Guide to Spinal Wellness #degenerativediscdisease

Decoding Degenerative Disc Disease: Your Guide to Spinal Wellness #degenerativediscdisease

Call at 402-488-0288 Welcome to our YouTube video on Degenerative Disc Disease Explained, and how Complete Health Chiropractic can help you manage this condition. Degenerative disc disease is not so much a disease as it is a description of changes that occur in the spine over time. As we age, the discs between our vertebrae, which act as shock absorbers, begin to degenerate. This can lead to various conditions like herniated discs, bulging discs, spinal stenosis, and osteoarthritis. Symptoms of degenerative disc disease can vary widely, from no symptoms at all to severe and debilitating pain. This pain can be localized to the affected area in the back or neck, but it can also radiate to other parts of the body such as the buttocks, arms, and legs. Numbness and tingling sensations are also common symptoms. The natural aging process contributes to spinal degeneration, with tears in the disc's outer layer and loss of fluid leading to decreased flexibility and size. Other factors like obesity, smoking, physical labor, and injury can accelerate degeneration. While initial treatment often involves hot or cold packs and anti-inflammatory medication for pain management, more severe cases may require additional care. This is where Complete Health Chiropractic comes in. Led by Dr. Jason McCullough, our team offers a range of treatments including physical therapy, stretching, and chiropractic adjustments to address the underlying causes of pain and restore mobility. While degenerative disc disease is a natural part of aging, there are proactive steps you can take to minimize pain and maintain spinal health. If you're experiencing frequent back or neck pain, don't hesitate to schedule an examination with us. Our personalized treatment plans can help you find relief and stay healthy for years to come. Trust Complete Health Chiropractic to be your partner in spinal wellness. Subscribe to our channel for more informative content on spinal health and wellness. Let us help you navigate your journey to a pain-free life.