The Sims 4 Snow Globe | Speed Build | First Attempt and a Failed Attempt

The Sims 4 Snow Globe | Speed Build | First Attempt and a Failed Attempt

Video Starts in 0:15 Open Me 💕 The Sims 4 | Speed Build | Snow Globe - & Maybe a Failed Attempt, but it is my First Try. Lol So I saw someone on youtube do this EPIC build of a Snow Globe - Sims 4 Creations    • I build a SNOW GLOBE in the sims 4 | ...   CHECK HER OUT!!!!! SO AMAZING.. So after watching her video, I just had to have a go myself, and although it's not as good as hers, I still tried. So what do you think of my Snow Globe? Do you think it turned out okay? Feel Free to Let me know using the comment section below 💕 💕 Custom Content (TSR) The Sims Resource Music - 🎵 Most Happy Background Music For Videos Morning Light Music NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED 💕 AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD ON THE SIMS GALLERY 💕 EA ID - joanna201 (Don't Forget to Include Custom Content) on the Left hand side DISCLAIMER: 💕 I'M A NON PROFIT AND NON MONETISED CHANNEL. I MAKE VIDEOS FOR FUN AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY DO NOT CLAIM MY SIMS AS YOUR OWN! IF YOU WANT TO USE THEM MAKE SURE TO GIVE CREDIT ! - Thank you. :) x THANKS FOR WATCHING #thesims4snowglobe #thesims4 #sims4speedbuilds