The only Christmas Ham i ever Make | Doubles Smoked Brown Sugar Coffee Rubbed | UPDATED 2024

The only Christmas Ham i ever Make | Doubles Smoked Brown Sugar Coffee Rubbed | UPDATED 2024

The only Christmas Ham i ever Make | Doubles Smoked Coffee Rubbed | UPDATED 2024 It's all about showing you the only Christmas ham recipe I ever make. This is updated for 2024, new and improved. Christmas Ham 2024 is double smoked Coffee Rubbed. Sweet perfection. License to Griddle    / @licensetogriddle   Scotts Smoked Q... Amazing sauce Taylor Stainless Steel Candy Deep Fry Food SnS Grills- Become a GALLERYBBQ Supporter with Patron!! PATREON►   / gallerybbq   Could you support me by joining my YouTube channel? Check out ChefsTemp here and grab 25% off 25% off storewide gallerybbq25 Also, the clickable link is- any problems using that coupon [email protected] ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅SHOW NOTES✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ Ingredients: 1 bone-in, spiral-sliced ham 1/2 cup Maxwell House coffee 1 cup brown sugar Olive oil (optional, as needed for a binder) Ingredients for mopping sauce: 1/4 cup water 1 can of pineapple rings (or chunks) 1 cup of brown sugar Honey (optional, for the mopping sauce) Instructions: 1. Prepare the Coffee Rub: In a bowl, combine 1/2 cup of ground coffee with 1 cup of brown sugar. Mix thoroughly, breaking up any clumps of brown sugar until well incorporated. 2. Prep the Ham: Dry off the ham carefully, ensuring the spiral slices remain intact. Place a rack in a baking tin, then situate the ham on the rack. 3. Apply the Rub: Rub the coffee and brown sugar mixture all over the ham. If the ham appears dry, lightly brush it with olive oil to help the rub adhere. Allow any excess rub to fall into the tin, which will be used later. 4. Preheat the Smoker: Load your smoker with competition blend pellets and preheat to 275°F. 5. Smoke the Ham: Once preheated, place the ham in the smoker. Smoke until the internal temperature reaches about 120°F. 6. Add Moisture: At around the two-hour mark, when the internal temperature is about 70°F, add a quarter cup of water to the bottom of the tray and loosely cover the ham with foil to retain moisture and speed up cooking. 7. Make the Mopping Sauce: Blend one can of pineapple rings with 1 cup of brown sugar and a drizzle of honey (if using) to achieve an applesauce consistency. 8. Mop the Ham: Once the internal temperature reaches 120°F, remove the foil and begin to baste the ham with the mopping sauce. Increase the smoker's temperature to 450°F and continue to baste until the ham reaches a rich color and an internal temperature of about 140°F. 9. Final Basting: After achieving the desired color and temperature, pour the remaining mopping sauce over the ham for a final touch of flavor. 10. Rest and Serve: Allow the ham to rest briefly before slicing. Serve and enjoy the complex flavors of your double-smoked ham. Enjoy your flavorful, double-smoked ham!