മുഖക്കുരു ഒറ്റ ദിവസത്തിൽ മാറ്റാം 😱|Quick pimple removal remedies#pimpleremoval#acnemarks#viral

മുഖക്കുരു ഒറ്റ ദിവസത്തിൽ മാറ്റാം 😱|Quick pimple removal remedies#pimpleremoval#acnemarks#viral

Acne star soap and gel - https://dl.flipkart.com/s/KsWeysuuuN Ointment for acne - quadriderm Having pimple issues try these remedies at Home 💉 Hii Guys ☺️, Welcome to my channel buddies, today I am sharing my acne / pimple reduction journey with you guys ❤️. I will share you with home remedies and medical suppliments ( gels , creams , ointment) to get clear skin and remove acne marks and pimples . These remedies also help you to get brighter and glowing skin . Hope you enjoy my video ❤️. Don't forget to Subscribe, Share and Like 🥰 #pimpleremoval #homeremedies #darkspots #skincare #skincareroutine #ointment for pimple #skincareroutine #tipsforacne #pimpleremoval #homeremedy 00:00 -intro 00:10 -how pimples affect us 01:00 -how to remove pimple with cream , pimple removal cream , acne star gel , acne star soap 04:00 -anti fungal cream for pimple, just use this cream for one time , remove pimple in one use 06:00 - pimple removal home remedies, how to remove pimple and acne marks at home and get clear skin . skin care mask for acne and dark spots removal. 08:00 - benifits of ice water in skin , how to use ice and ice water for glowing skin . 09:00 - how to get Good skin . ഇങ്ങനെയാണ് ഞാൻ എൻ്റെ മുടി വളർത്തിയത് 😱 |Tips for long thick hair |#haircare #longhair