We Three Kings *OCP (Piano Only)

We Three Kings *OCP (Piano Only)

Accompaniment Only (Church Music Hymn Practice Track) Playlist:    • We Three Kings (OCP Hymnals)   Melody Practice Track:    • We Three Kings *OCP (Melody)   All but Melody Practice Track:    • We Three Kings *OCP (All but Melody)   Alto Practice Track:    • We Three Kings *OCP (Alto)   All but Alto Practice Track:    • We Three Kings *OCP (All but Alto)   Tenor Practice Track:    • We Three Kings *OCP (Tenor)   All but Tenor Practice Track:    • We Three Kings *OCP (All but Tenor)   Bass Practice Track:    • We Three Kings *OCP (Bass)   All but Bass Practice Track:    • We Three Kings *OCP (All but Bass)   All Parts Practice Track:    • We Three Kings *OCP (All Parts)   Accompaniment (Piano) Only Practice Track:    • We Three Kings *OCP (Piano Only)   Link for Lyrics & Sheet Music: https://dh8zy5a1i9xe5.cloudfront.net/... Cover of “We Three Kings" Copyright: Text: 88 44 6 with refrain; based on Matthew 2:1–11. Text and music: Carols, Hymns and Songs, 1863; John H. Hopkins, Jr., 1820–1891, alt. Hymn Tune: KINGS OF ORIENT Found in: Music Issue One Faith, Una Voz Breaking Bread Heritage Missal OCP Octavo/Bonus Music Journeysongs Third Edition # 329 Journeysongs Second Edition # 364 Glory & Praise, Third Edition # 255 Glory and Praise Second Edition # 333 Today's Missal Rise Up and Sing 3rd Ed. Assembly Book # 82 Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ Never Too Young: Spirit & Song for Young People # 164 *** I do not own the rights to this song.