TOP 6 Things No One Tells You About CARDIO! (SHOCKING TRUTH!)
Why Cardio Is Overrated For Fat Loss / TOP 6 Things Nobody Tells You About Cardio Unlock the scientific truth about cardio's impact on fat loss, muscle growth, and your overall health in this evidence-backed presentation on "Cardio Mistakes and Myths." Delve into the misconceptions surrounding cardio workouts, as many individuals attempt to utilize cardio for burning belly fat and opt for an excessive number of cardio fat-burning sessions. But is this truly an effective strategy? How does cardio compare to strength training in the grand scheme of things? Discover the hidden facts about cardio that have eluded you until now. Despite common beliefs, cardio doesn't burn significantly more calories than resistance training. Research reveals that energy expenditure during a 30-minute session is comparable between both activities. Cardio, however, can lead to "Constrained Energy Expenditure," reducing calorie burn post-workout as it decreases non-exercise physical activity. While cardio offers health benefits, it's less effective for weight loss. A meta-analysis of 1,800 overweight individuals found that isolated aerobic exercise isn't an efficient weight loss strategy. Pairing cardio with dieting doesn't yield substantially better results. In fact, the difference in weight loss is minuscule, around 0.3 kilos, or slightly over half a pound.