Hemostasis | primary and secondary hemostasis| Coagulation| Fibrinolysis|part 2 | Medico stuff _2022
Hemostasis | primary and secondary hemostasis| Coagulation| Fibrinolysis|part 2 | Medico stuff _2022 #hemostasis#coagulation#fibrinolysis#medico stuff Hemostasis is a precisely orchestrated process involving the platelets, clotting factors, and endothelium that occurs at the site of injury and culminates in the formation of a blood clot, which serves to prevent or limit the extent of bleeding. STEPS OF HEMOSTASIS: there are basically five steps of hemostasis described below : 1-VASCULAR SPASM 2-PLATELET PLUG FORMATION 3-COAGULATION 4-CLOT RETRACTION AND REPAIR 5-FIBRINOLYSIS