Why K stands for 1000?What does k means in money,Refreshing news for you.CHAMBz BANG

Why K stands for 1000?What does k means in money,Refreshing news for you.CHAMBz BANG

क्यों कहा जाता है 1000 को K ? What does k means in texting? What does k means? What does 1k means in money? What does 1k means? K comes form the Greek kilo which means a thousand. In the metric system lower case k designates kilo as in kg for kilogram, a thousand grams. Even here there is some ambiguity. In the language of computer science K is 210 = 1024. The simple answer is that Kilogram means Thousand. The more complex answers is that the French took the Greek word for thousand "Chilioi" and shortened it to "Kilo" and then made new words like Kiloliter, Kiliwatt, Kilogram, Kilotonne, etc. The abbreviation KG for Kilo references Kilograms and means 1000 grams. The letter "K" is used to represent 1000, because it represents the prefix "kilo," which means 1000 of something in the metric system. For instance, kilogram means 1000 CHAMBzBANG,chambzbang,chambz bang,CHAMBz BANG, #K1000 #CHAMBzBANG