Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2 | I Play Lead Guitar and Sing!
Hi there, I'm Gojima Ghost, a variety streamer on twitch and kick! If you enjoyed what you saw please feel free to join us for a live stream and make a request or just hang and vibe. Stream times and activities fluctuate occasionally but are posted on my Twitch and Discord pages weekly! Twitch / gojima_ghost Kick https://kick.com/gojima-ghost Discord / discord Merch https://gojima-ghost-shop.fourthwall.com #pinkfloyd #anotherbrickinthewall #part2 #pt2 #thewall #1979 #1970s #guitar #rocksmith #guitarplayer #espguitars #espltd #ltd #guitarist #singing #singingcover #vocalcover #guitarcover #cover #singer #vocals #vocalist #rock #classic #progressiverock #folkrock #folk #coversong #coversinger #sightread #london #unitedkingdom #uk Live streamed on 24.10.7 Edited by neodiddy80 Thanks for watching!