The truth about insulin resistance (fad diets and big pharma exposed) dr benjamin bickman
The truth about insulin resistance - big pharma and fad diets exposed. Featuring the research of Dr Benjamin Bickman. Are fad diets really the answer to insulin resistance? In this video, we expose the truth about insulin resistance, why mainstream diets fail, and how big pharma profits from keeping you sick. Learn the science-backed ways to reverse insulin resistance naturally without falling for industry scams. If you care about your health and want real solutions, this is a must-watch! #insulinresistance #faddiets #bigpharma #healthscams #diabetesprevention #metabolichealth #lowcarb #WeightLossTruth #bloodsugar #NutritionScience #FoodIndustryLies #healthyeating #obesitycrisis #intermittentfasting #holistichealth #insulin #bloodsugarcontrol