RE-GEARING Your Jeep Wrangler or Gladiator and Everything You Need to Know About It
Installing new gears with a higher ratio or what some people call, "re-gearing" is something that you'll want to have done after bumping up to a bigger set of tires on your Jeep Wrangler or Gladiator. In this video, you'll get learn what you'll want to run and why, see what all is involved in having them installed, what you'll need to do to get your Jeep's computer to recognize the upgrade and how to properly break them in. A BIG THANKS goes to Jeremy and Chad over at Disciple Offroad for helping us to make what you're about to see possible. Come join our online community at https://wayalife.com Check out Disciple Offroad at https://discipleoffroad.com #jeep #regear #wayalife #wrangler #jeepwrangler #jlwrangler #wranglerjl #jljeep #jeepjl #gladiator #jeepgladiator #gladiatortruck #jeepjt #jtjeep #jeepgladiator #discipleoffroad #currie #currieenterprises #gearinstall #regearing #axle #differential