Fifth Sunday in Lent from Historic St. Paul's Sacramento
Please join us for a service of Shared Home Communion on March 21, 2021, the Fifth Sunday in Lent, from Historic St. Paul's Episcopal in Sacramento at 10:00 am. The readings this week are Jeremiah 31:31-34, Psalm 119:9-16, Hebrews 5:5-10 and John 12:20-33. The Rev. Rik Rasmussen will preside and preach. Randy Wurschmidt will play the historic 1877 Johnson and Sons Organ. The program can be downloaded for viewing or printing here https://files.constantcontact.com/5fc... The live stream starts at 9:55 am and the service begins at 10:0 am. Music & words © 1985 The Church Pension Fund reprinted and streamed under OneLicense.net license 736244-A