Normal delivery k liye Bacha Dani  ka moun Kholny ky Triky|Open Cervics mouth For Normal Delivery ##

Normal delivery k liye Bacha Dani ka moun Kholny ky Triky|Open Cervics mouth For Normal Delivery ##

Assalam-O-Alaikum! In This video I will tell you about the methods to Open the cervics mouth for normal delivery without pains. These methods are very helpful for you. These methods saves you from C section. If You Enjoy this video then Please thumbs up and like and also Subscribe the Rania Baber channel and Press the bell icon, type a comment and share this information with your family and friends so i would like to make you more and more informative videos. #MethodsToOpenTheCervicsMouthForNormalDelivery #NormalDeliveryKyLiyeBachaDaniKaMounKholnyKyTriky #NormalDeliveryWithoutPains ##raniababer