큰 영광 중에 계신 주ㅣBegin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Themeㅣ20장ㅣ아침 찬양ㅣ백유진

큰 영광 중에 계신 주ㅣBegin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Themeㅣ20장ㅣ아침 찬양ㅣ백유진

큰 영광 중에 계신 주ㅣBegin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Themeㅣ20장ㅣ아침 찬양ㅣ백유진 찬양에 사용한 accompaniment 입니다 Be-gin, my tongue, some heaven-ly theme, And Speak some bound-less thing The might-y works, or might-ier name, Of our e-ter-nal King Tell of His won-drous faith-ful-ness, And sound His pow'r a-broad Sing the sweet prom-ise of His grace, The love and truth of God His ver-y word of grace is strong As that which built the skies The voice that rolls the stars a-long Speaks all the prom-is-es O might I hear Thy heaven-ly tongue But whis-per, "Thou art Mine," Those gen-tle words should raise my song To notes al-most di-vine #365praise#20장#아침찬양#백유진