Mysterious Vitrified Stones in Peru? Looking For Atlantis & Lost Technology is the Answer

Mysterious Vitrified Stones in Peru? Looking For Atlantis & Lost Technology is the Answer

Join this channel to get access to perks:    / @sacredgeometrydecoded   The "mystery" of vitirified stone in the famous sites of Peru such as Sacsayhuman, Cusco city and Ollantaytambo has been around a while [popping up every now and again. There is an apparent veneer of legitimacy to it however like so much of these lost ancient technology and lost civilisation "mysteries" it unravels under any examination. Claims of fact are made that have no basis as fact, these claims are then used as evidence of "anomalies". The anomaliles are then leveraged into the same old same old. Atlantis or aliens. It's a cover up I tells ya! The stone is just a delivery system to get the the desired conclusion. Much like the PRECISION lost ancient high technology SCIENCE can be diluted to the dubious work of Christopher Dunn. The 'vitrified stones of Peru' can be traced back to Jan Peter de Jong along with Alfredo and Jesus Gamarra. Conclusions looking for data however tenuous or outright shonky the aleged evidence. It's not a process of discovery but one of creating a pathway to the desired discovery. Earlier parts to this series INCREDIBLE ANCIENT MASONRY Done With Plants & Chemicals That Soften Stone & Dissolve Metal? Part 1    • INCREDIBLE ANCIENT MASONRY Done With ...   Sacsayhuaman Polygonal Masonry: Using Acidic Mud or Stone Softening Plants vs Traditional Techniques    • Sacsayhuaman Polygonal Masonry: Using...   On the reddish, glittery mud the Inca used for perfecting their stone masonry by Helmut Tributsch Website devoted to the ideas of Jesus Gamarraa, Alfredo Gamarra and Jan Peter de Jong http://www.ancient-mysteries-explaine... Jan Peter de Jong Youtube page    / janpeterdejong   Vitrification Sample analysis http://www.ancient-mysteries-explaine... Dun Deardail Vitrified Hillfort Excavations The Mystery of the Vitrified Forts Playlist of experiments in granite with primitive tools    • Polishing Granite Experiment 2: Calci...   INCREDIBLE ANCIENT MASONRY Done With Plants & Chemicals That Soften Stone & Dissolve Metal? Part 1    • INCREDIBLE ANCIENT MASONRY Done With ...   Sacsayhuaman Polygonal Masonry: Using Acidic Mud or Stone Softening Plants vs Traditional Techniques    • Sacsayhuaman Polygonal Masonry: Using...