Prelude. Bay Shore Church Worship Service December 17, 2023
Prelude: Prelude on "I Wonder As I Wander". Robert Hebble. Jason McNally, organist. Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella. French carol. Chip Davis, Arr. Robert Longfield Performed by orchestra Chancel Choir Christmas Cantata this Sunday, December 17th This Sunday, our Chancel Choir will present their annual Christmas Cantata. This year, our theme is Christmas Around the World. I have very much enjoyed choosing carols from many lands, researching their traditions and writing the narration for this cantata. And the Chancel Choir has enjoyed preparing our variety of songs for you. Our orchestral ensemble will include Jason McNally on the organ and piano, as well as string, woodwinds and percussion players. Jay Dysart will once again provide the narration. During this time of the year, people all over the world are anticipating and celebrating the hope, peace, love and joy of Christ’s birth. In our service, you’ll hear Jay tell us how people in many different lands celebrate the birth of Christ, and then the Chancel Choir and instrumentalists will be singing and playing carols from these countries. Some of the customs and traditions will sound familiar to you, as you may celebrate them in your own homes. And, some are unique to these countries. How do you prepare for Jesus’ birth? What family traditions do you have? Are there some new traditions that you would like to incorporate this year? As you will hear on Sunday, although the traditions, celebrations and music varies widely throughout the world, the spirit of generosity and the reason for the season remains the same. “Fear not: for behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” Come this Sunday and invite your family and friends to be inspired through word and song. Joyeux Noël! Nollaig Shona dhuit! Frohe Weihnachten! Happy Christmas! Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Julie Ramsey, Director of Music