Composite Reduction Labiaplasty: Labia + Clitoral Hood Reduction, correction of clitoral protrusion

Composite Reduction Labiaplasty: Labia + Clitoral Hood Reduction, correction of clitoral protrusion

#labiaplasty #vaginoplasty #vaginalrejuvenation This very sophisticated and extensive technique for reducing the size of the labia allows an optimal tightening of the clitoral jacket with correction of a protruding clitoris (clitoral protrusion). The labia are shortened over their entire length, from the pubic mound to the vaginal entrance. This technique is used when the inner labia should no longer be visible when standing and should be completely covered by the outer labia. Call back request: LINKS FOR MORE INFORMATION: Labiaplasty ► Contact ► Contact: Prof. h.c. Dr. med. Stefan Gress Salvatorstr. 3 80333 Munich, Germany Tel.: +49 - (0)89 - 24223922 Fax: +49 - (0)89 - 24223923 E-Mail: [email protected] #labiaplasty #vaginoplasty #vaginalrejuvenation