O Come All Ye Faithful- Arung Tamang Akar Ajak- MTBA - Christmas Praise & Worship #shortvideo
#ocomeallyefaithful #christmas #mtbachoir. #This channel is a collaborative effort of several singing groups and churches. The participating groups and individuals are: Takatemjen Ao- His recordings beginning with the 80s are all in this channel. Watila Jamir and her family including Nungshitola has contributed a good number of songs to be uploaded here. Merang Jamir and Tiala have also contributed their albums to be uploaded here. Mokokchung Town Baptist Church. Livestream videos of MTBA are being uploaded week after week. ABAM SQC celebration singers and their songs have been uploaded with special arrangement with ABAM SQC Homecoming celebration commiitee. The Youth Singers of the MTBA Christian Youth Endeavour are contributing a significant number of songs. Mrs Simon Chan of Trinity Theological College (TTC), TTC Choir, Music Students of Mrs Simon Chan of TTC have contributed a sigificant number of recordings from the past. The siblings of Mrs Chan have also contributed several songs for this channel. Clark Theological College Choir has contributed all of the their recordings to this channel. Temjen Pongen has contributed thirteen of his recordings from Ensemble, KOhima plus one album of gospel songs. More artists are planning to contribute for the growth and sustenance of this channel. The channel features other Ao songs, Naga songs, Mizo songs, Gospel music in English by local artists and motivational and inspirational speeches. Thank you for subscribing to this channel: / @takatemjenao6471