Sunday, December 17, 2023 - 10:30 AM in the Sanctuary
Join us for the Third Sunday of Advent. The kids of Portland FUMC will be presenting their pageant, “A Pandemic Christmas Pageant” (Written by Cacky Cromer and directed by Olivia Orr). This play-within-a-play follows the pageant director and students amid the chaos, tragedy, and stress of the Pandemic PDT. Worship begins at 10:30a.m. PST. Order of Worship: https://fumcpdx.org/wp-content/upload... You can make your general offering online at https://www.fumcpdx.org/give Checks can be made out to “First United Methodist Church” and mailed to: 1838 SW Jefferson St, Portland OR, 97201 Register Your Attendance or Share a Prayer Request here: https://fumcpdx.org/contact-us/ Listen by phone: Call 503.272.1513. Services are updated each Sunday by 1 p.m.