The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze (2001) - Movie Review (w/ Did You Z That!)

The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze (2001) - Movie Review (w/ Did You Z That!)

Our review for The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze (2001) - Directed by Charles Grosvenor - Starring Thomas Dekker, Rob Paulsen, Kenneth Mars & more! A big thanks to ‪@DidYouZThat‬ for joining me! Go give him and his channel some love! Thanks for watching! Be sure to LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE for more videos! Follow me on other platforms! 👉🏼 The music in my intro and outro were made for this channel by Jiano Joel. Links to Jiano Joel are down below 👇🏼 Jiano Joel’s website - Jiano Joel’s Instagram -   / jianojoel   Jiano Joel’s YouTube Channel -    / @jianojoel   I DO NOT own the rights to the images/footage used in this video. The images/footage are only being used as a visual aid for this review. All links to original videos below 👇🏼 ‘The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze’ Trailer -    • The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Fr...   #thelandbeforetime #moviereview #review #universalpictures #universalstudios #dinosaur #dinosaurs #animation #animated #cartoon #cartoons