Yes I shall Arise And REturn To My Father | Lent | Catholic Hymns | Cameron Hymnal

Yes I shall Arise And REturn To My Father | Lent | Catholic Hymns | Cameron Hymnal

YES I SHALL ARISE Yes I shall arise and return to my Father! 1. To you, O Lord I lift up my soul In you O my God, I place all my trust. 2. Look down on me, have mercy O Lord; Forgive me my sins, behold all my grief. 3. My heart and soul shall yean for your face; Be gracious to me and answer my plea. 4. Do not withhold your goodness from me Lord may your love be deep in my soul. 5. To you I pray, have pity on me; My God, I have sinned against your great love. 6. Mercy I cry, O Lord, wash me clean And whiter than snow my spirit shall be. 7. Give me again the joy of your help; Now open my lips, your praise I will sing. 8. Happy is he, forgiven by God; His sins blotted out, his guilt is no more. 9. You are my joy, my , my refuge and strength; Let all upright hearts give praise to the Lord. 10. My soul will sing, my heart will rejoice; The blessings of God will fill all my days.