Stop the Itch! How to Get Rid of Crabs Now!

Stop the Itch! How to Get Rid of Crabs Now!

Today we're going to discuss how to get rid of crabs, also known as pubic lice. And just to assure you, everything I say is backed by credible research and experts in the field. Things you need... Over-the-counter pubic lice treatment – Fine-toothed lice comb – Clean towels – Clean clothes – Hot water – Vacuum cleaner – Trash bags – Laundry detergent – Latex gloves – Soap – A hairdryer – This channel contains affiliate links which means we might get a commission if you make a purchase, without any additional cost to you. Now that you have all your tools and materials ready, let's get into it… Step 1: Confirm the Infestation Before treating, you want to be sure you actually have an infestation of pubic lice. You're looking for tiny, grayish or reddish insects and their eggs. If you're not sure, consult a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis. Step 2: Purchase an Over-the-Counter Treatment Once you've confirmed that you have pubic lice, you'll need to buy an over-the-counter treatment. Permethrin or Pyrethrin-based treatments are generally recommended. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that these are effective for treating pubic lice. Step 3: Read the Instructions Carefully Before applying anything, read the instructions that come with the medication thoroughly. You need to know how long the medication should stay on and any other essential information. Step 4: Application of Treatment Put on latex gloves and apply the treatment to the affected area. Make sure to cover all the hair thoroughly. Keep it away from your eyes to avoid irritation. Step 5: Comb Out the Lice Using a fine-toothed lice comb, gently comb through the hair to remove dead lice and eggs. This is a critical step and should be done meticulously. Step 6: Wash Off the Treatment After the time recommended on the instructions has passed, wash off the treatment using soap and water. Step 7: Dry Off Once you've rinsed off the treatment, dry yourself with a clean towel. You can also use a hairdryer on a low heat setting if you prefer. Step 8: Sanitize Your Environment Put on clean clothes, and then wash all your towels, clothes, and bed linens in hot water. Anything you can't wash, seal in a plastic bag for at least 72 hours. Vacuum your home thoroughly to catch any stray lice or eggs. Step 9: Repeat if Necessary Sometimes one treatment isn't enough. If you still notice lice after a week, you may need to repeat the treatment. Step 10: Consult a Healthcare Provider If you've tried over-the-counter treatments without success, consult a healthcare provider for alternative treatment options. Alright, folks, there you have it: A straightforward, step-by-step guide on how to get rid of crabs. I hope you found this video helpful. Remember, having pubic lice is a common problem and completely treatable. Now don't forget to subscribe, share this video, and leave us a comment down below. Image attributions: Davidoc86, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons Doc. RNDr. Josef Reischig, CSc., CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Ed Uthman from Houston, TX, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons