Shocking Case Study: Managing Hypernatremia in a Boxer
FREE checklist on diagnosis of shock [PDF] can be DOWNLOADED here: https://academy.vetemcrit.com/shockch... FREE Acid-Base Analysis Workshop: https://academy.vetemcrit.com/free-wo... Check out our free veterinary emergency tools, protocols, and articles: https://vetemcrit.com Free training on intravenous potassium supplementation: https://academy.vetemcrit.com/iv-pota... If you're new to my channel, I am Igor Yankin, a small animal emergency and critical care specialist from Texas. You might know me as the founder of vetemcrit.com. I started my career as an emergency veterinarian in 2010. After working ER shifts for 5 years, I went on to complete a rotating small animal internship at Oregon State University and an emergency and critical care residency at the University of Florida. Over the last 14 years working in the ECC field, I have trained and mentored dozens of emergency veterinarians, interns, and residents. I realized that many of my trainees shared a common area of difficulty that they found especially challenging to master, despite its vital importance. This area of ECC involves the management of electrolyte and acid-base disorders as well as point-of-care ultrasound in small animals, which happens to be one of my professional passions. In 2022, I set out on a journey to create the most comprehensive training program that differs from anything else that has been created to date. This training program is called the 'Small Animal Electrolyte and Acid-Base Mastery: Certification Course.' It is specifically designed for those of you who want to become proficient in management of electrolyte and acid-base disorders but don't want to complete an ECC residency and wait 14 years to gain experience. Check out our online courses on acid-base and electrolyte disorders: https://academy.vetemcrit.com/courses Check out our online courses on acid-base and electrolyte disorders: https://academy.vetemcrit.com/courses Check out our free veterinary emergency tools, protocols, and articles: https://vetemcrit.com/ Case Study: Hypernatremia in a 5-Year-Old Boxer - Diagnostic and Treatment Approach In this video, we explore a real-life emergency case involving Hank, a 5-year-old Boxer presenting with lethargy, anorexia, and diarrhea. We'll walk through his physical exam findings, blood work results, and the point-of-care ultrasound assessment to identify the underlying shock state. The focus then shifts to Hank's mild hypernatremia, discussing possible causes such as sodium gain, free water loss, and hypotonic fluid loss. In this video, you'll learn: How to identify the type of shock using point-of-care ultrasound in a veterinary emergency. Causes of hypernatremia in dogs and how to categorize them for differential diagnosis. Steps to differentiate between urinary and gastrointestinal losses of hypotonic fluids. The importance of slow sodium correction in hypernatremic patients to prevent complications like cerebral edema. How to calculate free water deficit using the VetEmCrit sodium calculator. Treatment plan for hypernatremia, including fluid bolus administration and free water replacement. Use our free DKA and electrolyte calculator at: https://vetemcrit.com/ to manage sodium disorders in your patients. FREE RACE-APPROVED CE on IV potassium supplementation: https://academy.vetemcrit.com/iv-pota... FREE Acid-base analysis workshop: https://academy.vetemcrit.com/free-wo... DOWNLOAD FREE checklist on diagnosis of shock [PDF] here: https://academy.vetemcrit.com/shockch... Download a FREE Nasogastric/nasoesophageal placement checklist in dogs and cats [PDF] here: https://academy.vetemcrit.com/ng #VetEmCrit #HypernatremiaInDogs #VeterinaryEmergency #DogShock #VeterinaryUltrasound #SodiumDisorders #EmergencyVeterinaryCare #VetMed #FreeClinicalTools #VeterinaryEducation