EAT THIS EVERY WEEK @cookingforpeanuts high-protein antioxidant-packed roasted lentils (anti-aging)
This antioxidant-packed High-Protein Roasted Lentils & Quinoa Bowl recipe is perfect for meal prep! Crunchy, creamy, tangy, healthy, and delicious. Topped with a longevity-boosting tomato chutney rich in lycopene, and a creamy vegan yogurt sauce. https://cookingforpeanuts.com/high-pr... 📲Screenshot the link and copy it into browser from your photos! 🔎Find my recipes & cooking products on Cookingforpeanuts.com -search ROASTED LENTILS on my website. Or go to my YouTube channel page. Search ‘YouTube cookingforpeanuts’ and there is a clickable link at the top.