Know more about Bone Marrow Transplant - Dr Gaurav Kharya
#bonemarrowtransplant is an established modality to treat various hematological diseases, such as #Thalassemia, #sicklecelldisease #aplasticanemia, and other oncological disease. It is replacing the defective bone marrow of a patient with a healthy marrow. The success rate of BMT has increased significantly in the last few years. Results are better when we treat a child timely. Dr Gaurav Kharya is Director- Centre for Bone Marrow Transplant and Cellular Therapy at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi. To know more about Apollo Hospitals 🖥 Visit at https://delhi.apollohospitals.com 🏣Location: Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi . . #DrGauravKharya #Apollohospitals #Apollohospitalsdelhi #Healthcare #bonemarrowtransplant #testimonial #patient #trust To consult Dr Kharya, please call 8826931012