Psalm 27 | Christ Fellowship Leesville Service | August 6, 2023

Psalm 27 | Christ Fellowship Leesville Service | August 6, 2023

Welcome to our service for Sunday, August 6, 2023. We would love to have you join us in person on Sunday mornings at 10:30! If you have prayer requests, the elders at Christ Fellowship Leesville would love to pray for you. Email us at [email protected] If you want to be a part of our email list, you can subscribe here! Want more information about Christ Fellowship Leesville? Email us at [email protected] You can also give to help support the work at Christ Fellowship Leesville online or you can mail a check. Give Online: Mailing Address:  Christ Fellowship Leesville 13301 Leesville Church Rd. Raleigh, NC 27617 Follow Christ Fellowship Leesville: Facebook:   / christfellowshipnc   Instagram:   / christfellowshipnc   Website: Thanks for joining us!