Good Luck Jade Plant| जाने लक्की पौधें जेड के बारे में| Lucky Plant Jade |#GreenIsland

Good Luck Jade Plant| जाने लक्की पौधें जेड के बारे में| Lucky Plant Jade |#GreenIsland

Good Luck Jade Plant|जाने लक्की पौधें जेड के बारे में| Lucky Plant Jade |#GreenIsland Jade plants are evergreen succulents with round shaped leaves. Feng-Shui experts believe that Jade Plant is a symbol of good luck. This plant attracts financial luck since it has coin-shaped leaves. Best for gifting: Jade plant is best for gifting purpose in many occasions. You can give Jade Plant on birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and other occasions. A new business is blessed when it receives a jade plant gift. How to select Jade Plant *Make sure you always select a healthy jade plant. *Look for a sturdy trunk & vibrant glossy green leaves. *Most jade plants have a rubbery flexibility to the trunks. Avoid a leggy plant with no center sturdy trunk. How To Take Care Of Jade Plant: *Succulents require very less water so do not over water Jade plant. *According to feng shui experts, you should not let your jade plant grow any taller than 3feet. *Jade or Crassula Ovatta needs less water in the winter season.Water it when soil seems dry. *Keep the plant in a place where it receives some direct sunlight during the day. *Be careful not to burn with too much direct sunlight. Too little light causes the leaves to grow pale green while too much sunlight will tinge the leaves red. *Fertilize the plant once or twice a month during the spring & summer season. *If your plant isn't branching out, you can prune it to encourage new limbs to grow from the trunk. Transplant the clippings to create more plants. Best Direction To Place Jade Plant: The best direction is southeast since this is the wealth sector. However, you can also keep the plant in the east of your home, business or office to generate health luck. Other jade plant placements are: *Keep a Jade plant next to your cash counter or register is believed to increase business wealth. *You can place a jade plant at the entrance of your shop, restaurant or jewellry store to ensure a successful business & boost continued growth. *A jade plant placed in a home office in the southeast corner of the room or your desk is very auspicious. *The dining room table is a good location for a jade plant, especially when reflected in a mirror for doubling abundance. *If your health needs a boost, find a healthy Jade plant to occupy the east corner of your home. *Do not keep jade plants in the washroom or bathroom. *A jade plant can be set in the foyer area of your home, just inside the front door. *You can place a potted jade plant outside beside the front door. #GreenIsland #greenisland Follow us on Facebook:   / greenislando.  . Contact us: [email protected] 36 Amazing Plants with Name|Beautiful Plants|36 अद्भुत पौधें| Unique Plants in India|#GreenIsland:    • 36 Amazing Plants with Name|Beautiful...   21 Best Fence Plants With Name| 21 बेहतरीन पौधें बाउंड्री के लिए| #GreenIsland #FencePlants:    • 21 Best Fence Plants With Name| 21 बे...   25 Best Hanging Plants With Name| 25 बेहतरीन लटकाने वाले पौधें नाम सहित |#GreenIsland:    • 25 Best Hanging Plants With Name| 25 ...   21 Best Lucky Plants For 2021|21 सबसे अच्छे लक्की पौधें 2021 के लिए :    • 21 Best Lucky Plants For 2021|21 सबसे...   MEDICINAL PLANTS WITH SCIENTIFIC NAMES|औषधिय पौधें, उपयोग एवं उनके साइंटिफिक नाम :    • MEDICINAL PLANTS WITH SCIENTIFIC NAME...   Benefits & Side Effects Of Tulsi(Basil)|तुलसी के फायदे एवं नुकसान :    • Benefits & Side Effects Of Tulsi(Basi...   45 Best Winter Flowering Plants|45 सर्वश्रेष्ठ सर्दियोंमें खिलने वाले फूलोंके पौधे:    • 45 Best Winter Flowering Plants|45 सर...   Tips For Long Hair|How To Increase Hair Growth| Tips For Hair Growth|GreenIsland:    • Tips For Long Hair|How To Increase Ha...   Plants That Help You Sleep| नींद लाने में सहायक पौधें :    • Plants That Help You Sleep| नींद लाने...   Top 51 Home Decor Plants |घर सजाने के लिए 51 बेस्ट पौधें:    • Top 51 Home Decor Plants |घर सजाने के...   Top 22 Worship Plants In India| भारत में पूजे जाने वाले २२ मुख्य पौधें :    • Top 22 Worship Plants In India| भारत ...   Top 30 Plants Grow From Cutting|अगस्त-सितम्बर में उगने वाले पौधे:    • Top 30 Plants Grow From Cutting|अगस्त...   Top 25 Monsoon Plants For Home | Flower To Grow In August | अगस्त में उगने वाले पौधे:    • Top 25 Monsoon Plants For Home | Flow...   Jade plant, good luck plants,लक्की प्लांट जेड,जाने लक्की पौधें जेड के बारे में good luck jade plant,lucky plant jade,how to care jade plant,#greenIsland,#greenisland,Green island,crassula ovata plant, lucky plants,money attracting plants,plants for money,good luck plants for office,lucky plants for office, lucky plants for business,all about jade plant,