이길이구 갤러리 2GIL29 GALLERY | 찰리한, 마치 다 아는 것처럼 | Charlie Hahn | Artist Interview 2024

이길이구 갤러리 2GIL29 GALLERY | 찰리한, 마치 다 아는 것처럼 | Charlie Hahn | Artist Interview 2024

The artist Charlie Hahn has recently undergone significant changes due to personal events Common experiences faced by everyone in daily life have taken on profound symbolism for him, leading to a period of deep reflection and contemplation The sudden loss of a family member has shifted his thoughts and concerns to a different dimension This encounter with the boundary between life and death has prompted him to deeply ponder the passage of time and the essence of existence The process of grief, loss, and mourning has fueled his desire to express his emotions through art, imbuing his work with greater emotional depth and authenticity The importance of recording and preserving memories with his family has likely become paramount, closely tying his work to the exploration of time and memory through photography and video media ⠀⠀ 찰리한 Charlie Hahn 마치 다 아는 것처럼 As If You Know Everything July 17 - 31, 2024 ⠀⠀ Viewing time: 10am - 7pm Tuesday to Saturday 화요일 - 토요일 관람시간 오전 10시 부터 저녁 7시 (Closed on Public Holiday, Sunday and Monday) 공휴일, 일요일, 월요일 휴관 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 전시 관련 및 작품 문의 For inquiries about an exhibition by Charlie Hahn, please contact info@2gil29gallery com sales@2gil29gallery com Kakao channel: 2gil29gallery 카카오톡 채널 ‘이길이구갤러리’ 친구 추가 수시채팅 응대 Tel +82 2 6203 2015 ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ————————————————————— ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #찰리한 #CharlieHahn #마치다아는것처럼 #AsIfYouKnowEverything #Likeyouknowitall #현대미술 #전시추천 #MZ세대예술 #show #contemporaryart #koreanart #seoulgallery #가로수길 #2GIL29GALLERY #이길이구갤러리 #가로수길갤러리 #2길29갤러리 #큐레이팅 #2gil29전시기획