DON'T Buy a PC Without Watching This Video!
Hello, I am The Mysterious Tech. In this video, I talked about the points to pay attention to when buying a computer. How to choose a processor? How to choose a graphics card? The answers to questions like what is bottleneck are in this video. The points to be considered by those who will build a work or gaming computer and more are answered in this video. Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik 0:00-1:21 Intro 1:21-1:51 Prebuilt 2:03-3:28 Gaming CPU 3:32-4:17 Bottleneck 4:17-6:46 Gaming GPU 7:01-7:16 Ram (Short) 7:16-10:19 PC build tips 10:19-12:00 Rendering CPU 12:00-13:27 Rendering GPU 13:54-14:26 Bonus Info We Can't Stay Here - Ryan Little Fortress Europe - Dan Bodan No talk, just sound - Moog Mother 32 (PWM Madness) 2x Behringer Crave, iPad mini Moog Model D + DM1