15 POWERFUL LESSONS from Jesus to Overcome and ELIMINATE Negative Thoughts, REVEALED by God
👉 - SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL and share your thoughts in the comments below! MAY GOD BLESS YOU! Learn to FREE YOURSELF from MENTAL BURDENS, Trust in GOD, and TRANSFORM Your Thoughts. 👉 - SHARE IT with your FRIENDS and FAMILY so that more PEOPLE can HEAR the story and the WORD of the LORD. 🙏 - Trust in GOD, Stay SILENT, and Watch Your LIFE TRANSFORM | The Power of SILENCE. MUSIC USED: Chasing Daylight' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Song: Victor Cooper - Last Hope (No Copyright Music) Music provided by Tunetank. Free Download: http://bit.ly/3AvhiQT Video Link: • Victor Cooper - Last Hope (Dramatic P... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------