Sunday Worship- "Standing on the Shoulders"- November 5, 2023

Sunday Worship- "Standing on the Shoulders"- November 5, 2023

First Congregational United Church of Christ Marysville, OH November 5, 2023 Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost Guest Pastor: Rev. Julie Cory Musician: Kathleen Seeley *Please rise in spirit and/or body Coming Together Prelude- "Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying" by Ken Medema The light of Christ enters the sanctuary. Welcome & Reminders & Updates *Call to Worship (Inspired by Psalm 107:1-7, 33-377)One: Give thanks for the enduring love of the Holy One! Many: We’ve been gathered from all directions and in all spaces to declare the greatness of God. One: Give thanks for the enduring love of the Holy One! Many: We have been redeemed by the abiding love of our Creator. One: Give thanks for the enduring love of the Holy One! Many: Let the redeemed proclaim God’s wondrous works. Great is the Holy One and greatly to be praised! *Hymn: “For All the Saints” #299 The New Century Hymnal Unison Prayer for Transformation and New Life Exalted God, we struggle to trust you in all aspects of our lives, and we seek validation from temporal and inadequate sources. We confess that we base our identity on human structures, plans, and schemes. We fail to be satisfied with the gifts and purpose you have given to us. We do not appreciate the ways in which we are uniquely and wonderfully made. Deliver us from the tyranny of comparison and renew a right spirit of humility and peace within us, we pray. Amen. Words of Grace Friends, you are God’s magnificent handiwork. You were created in greatness and can therefore rest in humility. Know that God’s love for you is assured, God’s grace finds you in the midst of your struggles, and God’s plan for you is filled with hope. You are redeemed, recognized, and restored to the glory of God. *Gloria #759 The New Century Hymnal Glory to the Creator, the Christ, the Holy Spirit, Three in One; As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. Litany for All Saints Day ©Fran Pratt Used with permission God, we remember those Saints who have gone before us; We lament their passing. And honor their legacy. We give thanks for all we have learned from them. Those who followed the Way of Christ faithfully, We follow their example. Those who made mistakes along the way, We learn from their experience. Those who made progress for peace, We continue their work. Those who lived simply and quietly, We are enlightened by them. Those who gained honor and distinction without pride, We are humbled by them. Those who were martyred for their faith, We commend them to your care. They have finished their work on earth, And it lives on, Reverberating into our lives now As the work of Christ lives on. May the peace of Christ continue to inspire us To good works, humility, simplicity and peacemaking, As those foremothers and forefathers were inspired by him To live in grace and love. Amen Scripture Lessons: 1 John 3:1-3 Revelation 7:9-17 Message: “Standing on the Shoulders” Special Music Teri Burch- “The Battle Belongs to the Lord” by Jamie Owens-Collins Prayers of the People Pastoral Prayer *Passing the Peace Invitation to Generosity One: Hear the words of 1 Thessalonians 2:12, “Urging and encouraging you and pleading that you lead a life worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory.” Many: That life is one full of generosity as a response to the Holy One’s provision and abundance. Let us bring our resources into our common life as an offering of praise and thanksgiving. Hymn: “O’ Savior for the Saints” #298 The New Century Hymnal Unison Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving Generous God, thank you for the gifts you give and the privilege and honor of bringing our gifts of time, talent, and treasure into your kin-dom. Receive our humble offerings and magnify them to meet the needs of the community. Amen. *Doxology #780 The New Century Hymnal Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above the heavenly hosts; Praise Creator, Christ, and Spirit One. Holy Communion Invitation to the Table Words of Institution Prayer for the elements Serving of communion by intinction Hymn: “Spirit of the Living God” #283 The New Century Hymnal *Benediction May the Spirit of the Living God go with you into the world with power and compassion to lift the lowly. May Creator be glorified through the lives we live as witnesses to the greatness of God. And may Jesus the Christ be our Companion and Guide on the path to humility and greatness. Postlude- "Hornpipe," by Robin Dinda THE LIGHT OF CHRIST LEADS US INTO THE WORLD “Our Worship has ended – Now our Service begins.