FBC Sermon - Psalm 139:1-10 - March 6, 2022
FBC Sermon - Psalm 139:1-10 - March 6, 2022 Families and the Image of God, 06.03.2022, by Arnold Lim We don’t need to worry about the messy and shameful parts of our lives, we are all made in the image of God. By His love for us through the cross, we can be our true authentic selves in our families and to those around us. Used by permission. CCLI License # 394363 If you have enquiries about our church https://fbc.com.my/contacts/ To join a Life Group https://fbc.com.my/life-groups/ To find out more about Alpha program https://fbc.com.my/Alpha/ To give to the ministry of First Baptist Church https://fbc.com.my/banking-instructions/ If you just accepted Jesus into your life, or want to know more about Jesus http://bit.ly/replyfbc If you need prayer, let us know here http://bit.ly/replyfbc Follow us on Facebook at / firstbaptistchurchsubangjaya or Instagram at / fbcsubangjaya