10-Minute Morning Yoga Nidra for Focus | Give Your Full Attention to One Thing

10-Minute Morning Yoga Nidra for Focus | Give Your Full Attention to One Thing

This 10-minute morning yoga nidra for focus, mental clarity and motivation, will set you up for focus, excite you about the tasks ahead of you and help reduce distractions that might prevent you from getting things done weather by postponing or procrastinating so you can make progress with your projects and immerse yourself fully, to do your best work. Tackle one thing at a time and feel present as you give your attention to only one task. We're so used to constant stimulation that we don't even notice how our devices are in some way owning us, making us more distractable and less able to do quality focused deep work. We can’t prevent all distractions from entering our awareness but we can tell ourselves „I will engage with that later“ now I choose to keep my attention on what I’ve started and if you like rewarding yourself during the task by praising your effort or afterwards. Choosing intentionally will contribute to your mental clarity and a sense of purpose to your day, one thing at a time :) You can use this 10 minutes morning yoga nidra for focus and in a break from work or studying for relaxation and personal growth. By dedicating just 10 minutes in the morning to the powerful practice of Yoga Nidra, we get to foster a sense of clarity that sets a positive foundation for the rest of the day. Tapping into your parasympathetic nervous system through a 10-minute yoga nidra guided meditation in the morning is a refreshing start to the day that can prevent feelings of fatigue later in the day and in case of a poor last night’s sleep it’s going to …help you feel more rested Practice Yoga Nidra on Insight Timer with me: ⏳ https://insighttimer.com/RelaxAndThrive ⏳ 🦋More guided relax and thrive meditations for wellbeing by releasing excess tension from your body - mind 🦋 🍃 15 minute yoga Nidra:    • 15 Minute Yoga Nidra Meditation (Yoga...   🍃 Soothing yoga Nidra for healing:    • Deep Relaxation Yoga Nidra | Healing ...   🍃 Yoga Nidra for insomnia and deep rest    • Yoga Nidra For Insomnia And Deep Rest   🍃 Yoga Nidra for releasing fear & worry:    • Calm Nervous System Release Fear and ...   🍃 NSDR (non sleep deep rest):    • Non Sleep Deep Rest Andrew Huberman M...   🍃 NSDR voice only (non sleep deep rest):    • Non Sleep Deep Rest No Music | NSDR 1...   🍃 NSDR vs. Meditation    • NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest) vs. Medita...   🍃 Guided sleep meditation for healing    • Heal while Sleeping Affirmations (lis...   🍃 Benefits of Yoga Nidra    • What is Yoga Nidra🦋 Ideal meditative ...   🌸 5 Minute Morning Gratitude Affirmations ✨feel happy to be alive✨    • Morning Gratitude Affirmations 5 Minu...   ➡️ If you're enjoying these yoga nidra guided meditations please consider subscribing to the Relax & Thrive channel:    / @yoganidra-relaxandthrive   it's free and it helps the channel to be found by others as well - thank you so much ❤️ Let's connect on socials:   / relax_thrive_yoga     / relaxandthriveyoga   How was your experience with this morning yoga nidra? I'd love to hear about it, feel free to leave a comment below I wish you an amazing day with lots of focus and clarity 💕 Namaste, Nikolina Copyright ⓒ 2024 Relax & Thrive 🍃 All Rights Reserved This work is not intended to substitute professional medical advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please seek professional help. Do not drive or operate machinery whilst listening to any meditation or relaxation. 00:00 Intro Focus and Clarity 01:18 Yoga Nidra Starting 03:09 Setting Sankalpa 04:15 Body Scan 09:03 Visualization - focused you 11:43 Outro Morning Yoga Nidra #yoganidrameditation #focusmeditation #mentalclarity #nonsleepdeeprest #10minuteyoganidramorning #yoganidramorning #relaxandthriveyoga #motivationmeditation #morningmeditationmusic #10minuteyoga #guidedmeditationfocus #focusedmorning