You Have A Mission Part 2 | Pastor Gary Keesee | Faith Life Church
Every created thing has a distinct purpose and design. So many people reject God's plans out of fear! He anoints you with His power and wisdom to accomplish the impossible. Pastor @GaryKeesee takes us to the next step in discovering and understanding your mission. #youhaveamission #garykeesee #thekingdom #faithlifechurch # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Welcome to Faith Life Church! Thank you for joining us online! First time here? Please fill out the connection card (https://www.faithlifechurch.org/churc...) and follow this link (https://www.faithlifechurch.org/new-t...) to find out more helpful information about Faith Life Church. Join us for Kingdom Track each Sunday at 12:00 PM EDT and complete this 4 step process to help you discover your purpose and get acclimated, engaged and involved in the ministry of Faith Life Church. Follow this link (https://www.faithlifechurch.org/kingd...) for more info. Interested in giving? Follow this link (https://www.faithlifechurch.org/giving). Stay connected to the Faith Life Church Online Campus... Join the FLC Online Facebook Group! Follow this link / 673912679737537 to join. For all other information, please visit our website at faithlifechurch.org.