Walking with God - Withstanding the Winds of Life - Pastor Rick Warren 2023

Walking with God - Withstanding the Winds of Life - Pastor Rick Warren 2023

Walking with God - Withstanding the Winds of Life - Pastor Rick Warren 2023 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOLLOW ME Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pastorrickwarren/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pastorrickwarren/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/RickWarren Web : https://pastorrick.com/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " When we face difficulties and delays in pursuing our dreams, we need to be patient and trust that God is working in our lives". #RickWarren #PastorRick #pastorRickWarren #God #LearningtheBiblewithGod #beliefinGod #GodIstheLight #education #GodIstheWay #sermon #power