CHRISTMAS IN THE CAFE. Christmas morning worship, December 25,10:30 AM.
Thank you for being a part! We're happy you're here! A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU! Our Lord Jesus has come! We welcome You, our Lord and Savior. Thank You for giving Yourself for us. We gladly offer ourselves to You. Subscribe to our channel to see when we go live: / @newhorizonchurchchampaigni2851 Follow New Horizon on Facebook: / newhorizonumc For more information, visit: https://newhorizonchurch.org/ For Next Steps: https://newhorizonchurch.org/home/im-new For Giving: https://newhorizonchurch.org/giving Tune in for livestream services every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.