Fishing Knots Tutorial | Use the Strongest Knots and Never Lose Fish!
This is a fishing knots tutorial video. Stop losing fish using the strongest knotting techniques. Want to learn a strong swivel knot? You can tie your swivel to your fishing line with this strong fishing knot. It will be your next favorite fishing knot! You are on the fishing guide page where you can learn about the best fishing knots. I show you how to tie a fishing knot, the advantages and disadvantages of knots. The best fishing knots resist slipping when tightened. You can click on the fishing guide playlists to learn the best fishing knots. Here are some fishing knots that every angler should know: palomar knot, fg knot, uni knot, loop knot, double uni knot, albright knot, snell knot, clinch knot. To Make the Fishing Knot Stronger; 1-Moisten your line 2-Pull gently to tighten the line 3-Check the pulling power on the main line #fishing #fishingtips #fishingvideo Fishing Rig Setup: • Basic Fishing Rig Setup Best Fishing Knots: • Best Fishing Knots Mail: [email protected]