Christ's Otherworldly Kingdom - John 18:33-37 - Nov. 21, 2021 - Christ the King

Christ's Otherworldly Kingdom - John 18:33-37 - Nov. 21, 2021 - Christ the King

The last Sunday of the church year is Christ the King Sunday. So the church year begins and ends the exact same way: honoring Christ as the King of heaven and earth. But what does Christ's kingdom look like? How is its work different than the work of earthly nations? And how does the whole church year reflect Christ as king and the rule of His kingdom? This sermon may be shared, used, printed, and preached freely and without any attribution necessary. The Gospel belongs to Christ and His Church; all glory be to Him! Originally preached by Pastor Kempfert at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Saginaw, MI on Sunday, November 21, 2021 (Christ the King Sunday). This week's sermon text: