TRUE Alien Encounters | Scary Reddit Stories to Fall Asleep to | Thunderstorm Background Sound

TRUE Alien Encounters | Scary Reddit Stories to Fall Asleep to | Thunderstorm Background Sound

Here are four true alien encounter stories. Sit back, relax, maybe turn on a nightlight, and enjoy! I will see you in the next one :) Join the ScARIES SQUAD! Check out channel membership tiers here!    / @ariesonyt   ______ Have a story you want me to read on my channel? Send it to: [email protected] Story credits (Thank you to all those involved in this video. All stories have received written consent to be used in this video)   / brettoel     / infernalwife     / dreams_or_abduction     / translucent_being_next_to_the_bed_studying_me   Media Links ► Twitter: @ARIESonYT ► Instagram: @ARIESonYT ► Paypal: ► Podcast: ► Spotify: #horrorstories #paranormal #creepy