Skateboard Melee Weapon Challenges Liberty Falls Easter Egg Final Encounter Solo!

Skateboard Melee Weapon Challenges Liberty Falls Easter Egg Final Encounter Solo!

In today's video I jump into Liberty Falls to see if we can complete the main quest easter egg final encounter solo only using the new melee weapon the skateboard. Although this final encounter isn't a true boss fight it is one of the better options for a melee only run and we need reasons to come back to Liberty Falls whenever we can. I wasn't sure what to expect going into the final encounter but thanks fully we went in fully pack a punched and legendary giving us the best possible chance at survival. The great thing about the skateboard melee weapon is its fairly fast attack speed but even better long range which allows you to avoid being hit as much as usual doing melee only. I honestly had a lot of fun trying this one out so let me know what you would like to see next! Latest Video: D1.3 Sector Destroys The Patient 13 Boss Fight With Huge Damage! -    • D1.3 Sector Destroys The Patient 13 B...   Thank you all for the support! Looking to fine tune your aim?? I would be lost without my thumbsticks and precision rings Use Code "errlshatter" for 12% off your purchases with Kontrol Freek!! Follow My Socials! - DISCORD:   / discord   TikTok:   / errlshatter   Twitch:   / errlshatter   Twitter:   / errlshatter   Instagram:   / errlshattergaming   #BO6 #ErrlShatter #BlackOps6Zombies Thanks For All The Support!!! If Youd Like To Donate Which Is Not Necessary But Appreciated! - Chapters