10 in Bed | 3D Nursery Rhymes| TMKOC English Rhymes| #kids #nurseryrhymes #tmkocrhymes #10inthebed

10 in Bed | 3D Nursery Rhymes| TMKOC English Rhymes| #kids #nurseryrhymes #tmkocrhymes #10inthebed

Title :- 10 in Beds | 3D Nursery Rhymes| TMKOC English Rhymes| #kids #nurseryrhymes #tmkocrhymes #10inthebed #taarakmehtakaooltahchashmah #kidssong #rhymes Description :- 🎶 Welcome to our fun-filled YouTube channel where rhymes come alive with your favorite characters from "Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah"! Join us for a delightful rendition of the classic "Ten in the Bed" rhyme, featuring the mischievous Tapu Sena and the wise Champaklal! 🛏️✨ Watch as Tapu Sena - Tapu, Gogi, Goli, Sonu, and Pinku - bring the rhyme to life with their playful antics. And don't miss out on the hilarious moments with Champaklal, who adds his own unique touch of wisdom and humor to the story. Lyrics: There were ten in the bed And the little one said Roll over, roll over So they all rolled over and one fell out There were nine in the bed And the little one said Roll over, roll over So they all rolled over and one fell out There were eight in the bed And the little one said Roll over, roll over So they all rolled over and one fell out There were seven in the bed And the little one said Roll over, roll over So they all rolled over and one fell out There were six in the bed And the little one said Roll over, roll over So they all rolled over and one fell out There were five in the bed And the little one said Roll over, roll over So they all rolled over and one fell out There were four in the bed And the little one said Roll over, roll over So they all rolled over and one fell out There were three in the bed And the little one said Roll over, roll over So they all rolled over and one fell out There were two in the bed And the little one said Roll over, roll over So they all rolled over and one fell out There was one in the bed And the little one said I’m lonely, now I miss my friends There was one in the bed And the animals said Come over, come over So he walked on over and they all felt good Good night. Other English rhymes and songs for kids by Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah Rhymes :- Mummy's Bread Is Round and Round    • Mummy's  Bread Is Round and Round | M...   Johny Johny Yes Papa English Rhymes    • Johny Johny Yes Papa - Sing Along - T...   Five Little Monkeys | English Rhyme    • Five Little Monkeys | English Rhyme |...   Hickory Dickory Dock Rhymes    • Hickory Dickory Dock Rhymes | Hickory...   One Potato Two Potato    • One Potato Two Potato | Aloo Kachaloo...   👉 Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE for more exciting rhymes and adventures with Tapu Sena and Champaklal! 🔔 Hit the bell icon to get notified about our latest videos! #TenInTheBed #TMKOC #TapuSena #Champaklal #KidsSongs #NurseryRhymes #FunForKids #EducationalSongs #GokuldhamMagic #TMKOC #TapuSena #Champaklal #NurseryRhymes #KidsSongs #FunForKids #EducationalVideos #KidsEntertainment #Gokuldham #CartoonCharacters #AnimatedRhymes #ChildrensMusic #CountingSongs #LearningThroughPlay #FamilyFriendly #KidsLearning #YouTubeKids #IndianCartoons #RhymesForKids #viralkidsvideos #nurseryrhymes #hindirhymes #kidsvideo #taarakmehtakaooltahchashmah #tmkocshorts #childrensringtone #hindirhymespoem #hindirhymesplaylist #hindirhymesforchildren #tmkocminiindia #tmkocfanclub #kidslearning #kidsvideos #kidssongs #toddlers #toddlerfun #toodlersvideo #toodler #englishnurseryrhymes #taarakmehtakaooltahchashmah #childrenssongs #Traditionalrhymes #fingerplays #animalrhymes #learningrhymes #fairytales #educationalsongs #Bedtimerhymes #englishnurseryrhymes #englishrhymesforkids #englishpoemsforchildren #NurseryrhymesinHindilanguage #englishrhymeswithlyrics #Indiannurseryrhymes #englishlullabiesforbabies #englishbabysongs #englishkidssongs #englishpreschoolrhymes #NurseryrhymeswithactionsinHindi #Popularenglishrhymesfortoddlers #englishnurseryrhymesplaylist #Rhymesforbabiesinenglish #englishrhymesforkindergarten #nurseryrhymes #childrensongs #kidssongs #rhymesforchildren #rhymes #poems #song #education #kidssong #kidsvideosongs #children #poemsforchildren #playlist #songsforchildren, #childrenrhymes #musicforchildren #learn #childrenssongs #songs #preschool #school #videosforbabies #kindergartensongs #babiesvideos #toddlersongs #childrensstory #abckidtv, kidsvideos #singalongsongs #bestnurseryrhymes #babiessongs #kidsongs