HWT| Michael Jackson's Iconic 'Stranger In Moscow' Live - Brunei '96 in Stunning 4K!" Upscale
Whether you like my upscales or not, no one can deny my dedication I give, not many people would spend the time I do , specially manually working on frames to restore facial details. There's 2 people I know are @meta and @Happy Lee. On this video it was a fun project and a new idea, and at the same time really tiresome, literally took 12 hours to render this song at 480p (next time will be half the time )and also took another 7 hours manually editing selection of frames and afterwards finishing off the upscale and color grade. Not to mention doing trial and error for the past week. My goal was to bring details on the face without using topaz iris ( more often than not messes up the face and eyes severally, like giving you 3 eyes etc,) and chose a different method, hence the long rendering time. But on this video its still not where I want it to be, there are some errors on the eyes but nothing like topaz. At the end of the day I'm not sure if the time given on this method is worth it from my normal upscales I do. Obviously this was a fun project to trial so doing full concerts is impossible, the level of attention/dedication needed and time is not doable full time, unless I get some sort of support financially. As you are aware my channel can't monetise so I make nothing, but at the same time it's costing electricity and time. And simply not worth it without any support, normal upscales yes I will continue to do that don't take too long etc. For support I might open a random YouTube channel and that way if everyone is happy can support me that way, just a like and subscribe, and put my video on another browser or mobile and let it play for viewing time, this way I can monetise the 2nd channel and that would greatly motivate me to do more. Also it doesn't cost my viewers anything and no need to donate etc. literally would take 10 mins of your time to support me. tags #michaeljackson, #mj, #kingofpop, #concert, #Brunei, #Laserdisc, #Michael Jackson,#MJ,#MJJ,#Bad,#Bad World Tour,#Bad Tour,#BWT,#LA,Los Angeles,#1989,Snippet,#TV,Report,#Rare,#Version,#HQ,#UHD,#2K,#4K,#48fps,#60fps,#Concert,#Footage,#Bad Live Dangerous Tour,#MJ Live Performance,Dangerous Tour,#history world tour,#smooth criminal,#history,l#ive,1997,#tour,#history tour munich,#remastered,#enhanced,#studio,#king of pop,#improved,#performance,#victory tour,#rare,#jacksons,destiny tour#VictoryTour #EddieVanHalen #Dallas #DangerousTour #Snippets #BadTour #ThisPlaceHotel #NewYork #WBSS #Wembley #Christmas #Message #TopOfThePops #TDCAU #Lyon #TheLoveYouSave #WembleyStadium #OffTheWall #Dallas #HumanNature #KansasCity #EarthSong #Bremen #Rome #Rehearsals #Minneapolis #BlackOrWhite #Munich #BillieJean #Auckland #LovelyOne #LosAngeles #IWantYouBack #30thAnniversary #ShakeYourBody #Jam #Tallinn #Stockholm #DangerousTour #BeatIt #ThisPlaceHotel #LA #MITM #Grammy #Moscow #Liverpool #DangerousWorldTour #Oslo #Norway #Scream #TDCAU #Ostend #BoW #Leeds #MichaelJackson #WettenDass #Bangkok #Bad #CT #DS #IJCSLY #Manila #Taipei #Taiwan #BeatIt #IllBeThere #WYBT #Seoul #Korea #Kaohsiung #TheJacksons #NSYNC #MSG #RockWithYou #Milan #WeAreTheWorld #MTV #Japan #Prague #Backstage #Pittsburgh #Pepsi #SmoothCriminal #Outtakes #VictoryTour #Texas #Budapest #Hungary #StrangerInMoscow #Amsterdam #Thailand #BadWorldTour #Italy #Spain #Lausanne #Switzerland #HIStoryWorldTour #Johannesburg #SouthAfrica #Yokohama #2Bad #SOOML #Disneyland #RememberTheTime #YouAreNotAlone #ManInTheMirror #Moonwalker #Movie #GoneTooSoon #25DeJunio #SYB #Osaka #Mumbai #Werchter #Belgium #England #EddieVanHalen #PatrickKelly #SiM #TriumphTour #Minnesota #TavernOnTheGreen #Belgium #SãoPaulo #Brazil #Unseen #Footage #DonValley #Amsterdam #DirtyDiana #Demo #Cologne #Cannes #Festival #France #Reaffirmed #LovelyWay #Album #Session #GetYourWeightOffOfMe #Telethon #Perth #Australia #Chile #Report #BraceYourself #Introduction #MichaelJordan #OTW #Toronto #RTL #CDMX #Louisville #10thAnniversary #Slash #Amateur #DianeSawyer #ABCNews #CapeTown #WillYouBeThere #NAACP #Awards #ApolloTheater #TokyoDome #DirtyDiana #TatianaThumbtzen #Kansas #Montreal #Quebec #Canada #Gothenburg #NewOrleans #Philadelphia #Pennsylvania #France #WhoIsIt #Russia #Netherlands #Motown25 #Sweden #Marbella #RTVE #TCI #USAforAfrica #Fans #Moonwalkers #DickClark #SouthKorea #HBO #DomingoLegal #Rotterdam #Kiel #DWT #Teaser #ANightAtTheApollo #JenniferHudson #MJM #VMA #WMCIG #UnitedWeStand #Washington #LaMia #Invincible #RoyalConcert #Brunei #OrangeShirt #HN #Argentina #WATW #YRMW #J5Medley #InTheCloset #Toulouse #HN #JanetJackson #UnicefCharityGala #Bad25th #Hawaii #Honolulu #History #EarthSong #Tunisia #TheJackson5 #SabadoSensacional #Venezuela #OTWMedley #NewZealand #YWT #SammyDavis #TheWorldofMichaelJackson