#22 락토페린 다이어트 체지방감소효과 자세하게 알아봅시다

#22 락토페린 다이어트 체지방감소효과 자세하게 알아봅시다

reference 1 Potent anti-obesity effect of enteric-coated lactoferrin: decrease in visceral fat accumulation in Japanese men and women with abdominal obesity after 8-week administration of enteric-coated lactoferrin tablets Tomoji Ono (a1), Michiaki Murakoshi (a1) (a2), Noriyuki Suzuki (a1), Norio Iida (a1) DOI: online: 09 August 2010 2 Dietary lactalbumin and lactoferrin interact with inulin to modulate energy balance in obese rats Singh A1, Zapata RC1, Pezeshki A2, Chelikani PK1