#Danyang_Travel #단양여행 #Danyang #traveling #beautifulplace #travel #korea #shorts #travelvlog #short

#Danyang_Travel #단양여행 #Danyang #traveling #beautifulplace #travel #korea #shorts #travelvlog #short

#Danyang_Travel #단양여행 #Danyang #travel #beautifulplace #travel #korea #shortvideo #travelvlog #short Address: 충북 단양군 매포읍 삼봉로 644 단양팔경 중 하나로 남한강 상류 중앙에 기암 세 개가 뭉쳐 이루어진 섬을 말한다 푸른 강 한가운데 우뚝 솟은 기암괴석들은 모두 남쪽으로 기울어져 있다 중봉이 가장 높고, 큰 봉우리의 허리 부분에 급수탑이 있어 전경을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 망루 역할을 한다 조선을 개국한 공로를 세운 정도전(鄭道傳)이 이곳 중앙봉에 누각을 짓고 가끔 찾아와 경치를 감상하고 복을 빌었다고 한다 그의 필명 삼봉(Sambong)도 도담삼봉에서 유래했다고 한다 충주댐이 완공되면서 1/3 정도가 물에 잠겼으나 월악산국립공원과 인접해 있어 수륙교통과 육상교통이 발달하면서 더욱 주목받고 있다 2009년 9월 9일 명승 제44호로 지정되었습니다 주차요금 : 승용차 3,000원 ​​(소형차 50%) 버스 6,000원 ​​: 도담삼봉주차장 043-421-3182 ^ It is one of the Eight Scenic Scenic Spots of Danyang and is an island made up of three strangely shaped rocks in the center of the upper reaches of the Namhan River The strangely shaped rocks that stand tall in the middle of the blue river are all tilted to the south The middle peak is the highest, and there is a water tower at the waist of the large peak, which serves as a watchtower that provides a panoramic view It is said that Jeong Do-jeon, who contributed to the founding of Joseon, built a pavilion on Jungangbong Peak here and visited occasionally to admire the scenery and pray for good fortune His pen name Sambong is also said to have originated from Dodam Sambong With the completion of Chungju Dam, about 1/3 of it was submerged, but it is attracting more attention as land and water transportation is developed due to its proximity to Wolaksan National Park It was designated as Scenic Spot No 44 on September 9, 2009 Parking fee: 3,000 won for passenger cars (50% for compact cars) 6,000 won for buses: Dodamsambong parking lot 043-421-3182 ^