Evan Ham vs. Jaylen Koehl Sleight Night Roast Battle
Sleight Night Roast Battle! This was Evan Ham’s first roast battle! 3.8.25 Evan went on to win the battle (by unanimous decision), moving on to the next round where he will face Marissa Prentice who has still not accepted Evan’s facebook friend request. This is happening on 4.12.25 at Planetary Brewing Co. Check out: EvanHam.com for the latest Huge thank you to Jaylen for agreeing to the battle. Check out his music and channels below: / @j.a.k1821 • Curtain Call https://open.spotify.com/artist/05XjW... Thank You, Kevin King, for organizing this. Check out the full Sleight Night Roast Battle here: • Sleight night S1E1 3-8-25 Thank you to the judges: Jeremy Johnston, Terry Shepard, Teylor Smith, and Boden Byrd. Keep the votes coming! Huge thank you to Andy for supplying beverages to everyone! Thank you to Joe Deitchman for helping me record! And of course thank you to Darron Finesilver for being!