Sun., Oct. 22, 2023; 10:30 a.m./21st Sunday after Pentecost

Sun., Oct. 22, 2023; 10:30 a.m./21st Sunday after Pentecost

Pre-service begins at 10:15 a.m., EDT, livestreamed from St. John’s Historic Church. Please use the CHAT function to greet one another in fellowship, and please mention any special prayer intentions that you have for this service. Direct link to today's bulletin: https://77e2b522-833d-46ba-9cd4-dc4ff... If you are new to St. John's, please introduce yourself via our Welcome page: St. John’s depends on your generosity to continue the work of the Church. Donations may be made: 1) Online at 2) By texting “SJEC” to 73256 3) PayPal: [email protected] 4) Venmo: @StJohnsECMD 5) Mail a check to the Church Office: 9120 Frederick Rd., Ellicott City, MD 21042 All music performed in this worship service is licensed under or CCLI, or used by permission. License numbers are available upon request.