Burning Foot: Burning feet treatment in hindi | Burning feet causes in hindi-PairJalan Dard ka Upay
Burning Foot: Burning feet treatment in hindi | Burning feet causes in hindi-PairJalan Dard ka Upay पैरों के तलवों में जलन का कारण व सही इलाज समझे अगर आपको यह जानकारी पसंद आई तो कृपया इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ शेयर करें। -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hindhi Videos list :- *रोबोटिक घुटना प्रत्यारोपण सर्जरी | Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery in Hindi • Video Varicose Veins के लक्षण, कारण और निदान | Varicose Veins in Hindi -dr बालसुब्रमण्यन - • Video Heel pain क्यों होता है? 3 मिनट में एड का दर्द से छुटकारा - Heel pain exercise in hindhi • Video Burning Foot: Burning feet treatment in hindi | Burning feet causes in hindi-PairJalan Dard ka Upay • Video *Rotator Cuff Tear: कारण , लक्षण और इलाज | Rotator Cuff Tear in Hindi | • Video Back Pain - Sciatica - साइटिका के लक्षण, कारण, इलाज | Sciatica in Hindi | Sciatica क्या है? • Video ===================================== Video Topics ☆ Cause of neuropathy or a burning sensation in the feet and ankle- •Chronic kidney disease (uremia) •Vitamin deficiency (vitamin B12, folate, and occasionally vitamin B6) •Alcohol abuse •Low thyroid hormone levels (hypothyroidism) •HIV/AIDS •Amyloid polyneuropathy •Drug side effects including chemotherapy drugs vitamin B6 overdose HIV medicines amiodarone isoniazid metformin and others •Erythromelalgia •Heavy metal poisoning (lead mercury arsenic) •Vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels) ===================================== Dr. Balasubramanian MS (ortho) +91 9843859353 | +91 842 843 8444 ===================================== Dr. Balasubramanian MS (ortho) Bala Ortho Hospital Opposite Govt Hospital, Dharapuram Main Rd, Near Bharath Petrol Bunk, Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu 641605. ===================================== #ortho #drbalasubramanian #balaortho #tiruppur #coimbatore #chennai #knee #acl #calcium #aclsurgery #Shouldersurgery #prp #kneesurgery #kneereplacement #aclsurgerynearme #Shouldersurgerynearme #prpnearme #kneesurgerynearme #kneereplacementnearme #orthodoctor #orthodoctornearme