신현근 박사: 환자를 피해자로 여기는 역전이

신현근 박사: 환자를 피해자로 여기는 역전이

Countertransference reactions to the patient as victims 환자를 피해자로 여기는 역전이 From a psychotherapeutic perspective, a more rational and clinically useful position is to steer a middle course between the two extremes Therapists can empathize with the psychic reality of the trauma in their patients without assuming that every detail is historically correct Adult borderline patients rarely fabricate extensive childhood trauma, even though a particular event may be distorted in one way or another when recalled Moreover, the pathogenic nature of traumatic childhood experiences can be validated without having to abandon the conceptual framework that multiple etiologic factors converge to produce borderline personality disorder, one of which is childhood trauma (Gabbard G & Wilkinson S M , 2000, p 47) ▶영어 주교재 Gabbard G & Wilkinson S M (2000) Management of countertransference with borderline patients New York: A Jason Aronson Book ▶한글 주교재 Gabbard G & Wilkinson S M 지음 한재현과 양미래 옮김 (2020) 역전이와 경계선 환자의 치료 서울: 학지사 ▶클래스유 - CLASSU: "정신분석적 인간 이해 " 강좌 초대장: