Got my flipper zero in (507)
The hottest new hacking multitool flipper zero. I got mine in and have been testing it out a bit. Will definitely be doing videos on its capabilities. But I can tell you now it is a lot of fun. Please support my channel by liking sharing and subscribing and turn notifications on to stay up to date. Always follow the codes and keep locksport legal. Check out our website at www.dalp.com.au Book in presentations, training and more through our website or call us ph: 0448766600 Come and join the fun on Discord at / discord Looking for website design, hosting, marketing or security consulting check out https://darryljackway.services/ Email: darryl@darryljackway.services Find us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter. if you would like to contact me you can e-mail darkartslockpicking@gmail.com #Locksport #Lockpicking #DALP #DarkArtsKeyCutting #Trainning #NonDestructiveEntry #CovertEntry #Covertcarry #Cyber #Security #Reviews #Youtube #Locksmith #flipperzero #DarkArtsLockPicking #KeepItBloodyLegal