390장 예수가 거느리시니 He Leadeth Me (Bass Part)
찬송가 390장 "예수가 거느리시니" 베이스 파트를 올립니다 The Bass Part of the Hymn, "HE LEADETH ME", is uploaded SATB 파트연습도 전체합창과 함께 아래에 링크를 걸어놓았습니다 The SATB parts and full chorus part are also linked below 찬송가파트연습사이트 (HSM): Soprano Part Alto Part Tenor Part Bass Part Chorus Part 앞으로 계속해서 찬송가 파트를 올릴예정입니다 혹시 급하게 필요한 찬송이 있으면 한설뮤직 홈페이지의 신청란에서 신청해 주시면 먼저 만들어서 유튜브에 올려드리겠습니다 감사합니다 We plan to continue uploading the Hymnal Parts in the future If you need a hymn urgently, please fill out the order form on the Hansul Music website home, and we will create it first and upload it on YouTube Thank you HE LEADETH ME 1 예수가 거느리시니 즐겁고 평안하구나 주야에 자고 깨는 것 예수가 거느리시네 주 날 항상 돌보시고 날 친히 거느리시네 주 날 항상 돌보시고 날 친히 거느리시네 2 때때로 괴롬 당하면 때때로 기쁨 누리네 풍파 중에 지키시고 평안히 인도하시네 주 날 항상 돌보시고 날 친히 거느리시네 주 날 항상 돌보시고 날 친히 거느리시네 3 내 주의 손을 붙잡고 천국에 올라가겠네 괴로우나 즐거우나 예수가 거느리시네 주 날 항상 돌보시고 날 친히 거느리시네 주 날 항상 돌보시고 날 친히 거느리시네 4 이 세상 이별할 때에 마귀의 권세 이기네 천국에 가는 그 길도 예수가 거느리시네 주 날 항상 돌보시고 날 친히 거느리시네 주 날 항상 돌보시고 날 친히 거느리시네 아멘 1 He lead-eth me: O bless-ed thought! O words with heaven-ly com-fort fraught! What-e'er I do, wher-e'er I be, Still 'tis God's hand that lead-eth me He lead-eth me, He lead-eth me; By His own hand He lead-eth me His faith-ful fol-lower I would be, For by His hand He lead-eth me 2 Some-times 'mid scenes of deep-est gloom, Some-times where E-den's bow-ers bloom, By wa-ters calm, o'er trou-bled sea, Still 'tis His hand that lead-eth me He lead-eth me, He lead-eth me; By His own hand He lead-eth me His faith-ful fol-lower I would be, For by His hand He lead-eth me 3 Lord, I would clasp Thy hand in mine, Nor ev-er mur-mur nor re-pine; Con-tent, what-ev-er lot I see, Since 'tis my God that lead-eth me He lead-eth me, He lead-eth me; By His own hand He lead-eth me His faith-ful fol-lower I would be, For by His hand He lead-eth me 4 And when my task on earth is done, When by Thy grace the vic-t'ry's won, E'en death's cold wave I will not flee, Since God through Jor-dan lead-eth me He lead-eth me, He lead-eth me; By His own hand He lead-eth me His faith-ful fol-lower I would be, For by His hand He lead-eth me A-men